Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Marking Messages in Blackberry.. very good tips

Marking Messages

If you receive a lot of e-mail each day, you know that sifting through that e-mail and reading each message can be a real headache—especially if you can’t keep up with which messages you have read and which messages you have not. The BlackBerry can help keep you organized with its Mark Message feature, which allows you to mark a message as either read or unread. You can mark important messages as unread to ensure that you reread them or give them special attention later. To mark a message as either read or unread, scroll to the message in the Messages folder and click the trackwheel to see the menu for this screen. Next, click either Mark Read or Mark Unread. Messages that are marked as read have an opened envelope icon next to them; messages marked as unread have an unopened envelope icon. You can change the status of any message (read or unread) at any time by simply re-accessing the menu and changing the mark option.

Tip: You can mark several messages as read or unread at the same time by holding down the SHIFT key and rolling the trackwheel. You can also mark an entire group of messages as read or unread by scrolling to the desired date in the Messages folder, clicking the trackwheel, and then clicking Mark Prior Read. All messages prior to the date selected will be marked Read.

You can also hold the SHIFT key while you scroll through the emails highlighting several at a time, hit the trackball or scroll wheel to select "Mark As Read"

hitting "u" on an open message will take you through each one very quick

hitting "u" on an open message will take you through each one very quickly

Saving Messages

Think of the Messages folder as a work area. Messages that you receive automatically arrive to this folder, and messages that are waiting on network connectivity to be sent are also held here. From the Messages screen, you read your mail, mark messages as needed, and delete messages you do not want (see the next section). Once you finish managing messages, however, you also have the option to save messages that you want to keep. These messages are then removed from the Messages folder and placed in a separate folder called Saved Messages, which is accessible from your Home screen by clicking the Saved Messages icon or pressing V on your keypad. To save a message, simply select the message that you want to save in the Messages folder, click the trackwheel, and click Save Message on the menu that appears. In the Saved Messages folder, you’ll see your list of saved messages. You can open and read any message that you like, and you can also mark and delete messages in the Saved Messages folder.