Monday, October 27, 2008

Kitten Kung Fu

Kitten Kung Fu, originally uploaded by erwin huang.

even Kitten can do Kung Fu

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Urgent notice

Be Informed that the results of the 2008 electronic online E-mail sweepstakes organized by Accu-Online is out and Your e-mail ID won 1,500,000.00 euro. This is a random Computer Games in which all participants were selected through a ballot system drawn from over 500,000 company´s & 10,000,000 Individual email ID´s from all over the world.

It is a program aimed at encouraging Internet users hence no ticket sold. We request you pay attention to this notice & contact the claims dept with claim Info and procedures of claim.
Contact: Dr.Mike Mejia,
Tel:+34-634 174 204
Fax:+34-911 015 432.

Send the following Info:(1)Name, Your email id & Nationality(2)Batch & Ref Nos,(3)Phone & Fax no if any(4)Sex, Age & Occupation. Congratulations once again.
Yours Truly,
Mrs.Monika Nowak.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

One More Time One More Chance - Special Edition

suddenly a nice song..


i am super interested to get one for Shanghai, after reading reviews

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Mac SE/30

i have one of these for a long time as well

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Macbook History

Macbook History, originally uploaded by erwin huang.

my history with MacBook so far..

my primary PC today is a Macbook

(current day to day devices:
Macbook Santa Rosa Black,
HP mininote for short trips
eeePC 701, in car Michiato
Sony Vaio 3 years old (at home on desk, just in case there are things Mac Parallel cannot handle)
PC Pentium 4 at TSL office
Mac Mini Duo Core (AV media center, for watching video on the large screen in sofa (this is the guy with the HK$1000 mouse)

Gizmodo - Sage

my 2nd Mac Portable Notebook (i had a Mac Portable (as large as a 4xbrick))

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Mac mini is the “Nelson Muntz” of the Apple product line

the Mac Mini really deserve some attention, its a very good entry device and also so far the cheapest way to get a mac (got mine on Yahoo auction for ~HKD3500 it works fine as my media center, of course, u might argue that my new Logitech Air mouse (for use with this mini) is already ~HKD1000 ;-P

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Comic Touch: You've received a comic

Sent from Comic Touch on my iPhone


【明報專訊】「一片光明」未必好。香港光污染日趨嚴重,不少人正經歷「24小時白晝」,晚上仍受到廣告牌或大廈的強光滋擾。環保組 織地球之友舉行「荒謬的燈」選舉,逾半投票者選出銅鑼灣皇室堡外牆一列射燈為「最荒謬燈光」,並將於本周五晚舉行「快閃」活動,號召市民到皇室堡,藉此喚 醒各界關注光污染。

環保署的數據顯示,燈光耗能或滋擾的投訴數字近3年持續上升,05年有33宗、06年有35宗、07年則有40宗,而08年截至6 月已收到27宗投訴。地球之友在8月底舉行的「荒謬的燈」選舉,共有639名網民投票,逾半人從12盞「候選燈」中選出皇室堡外牆射燈為「荒謬之最」,其 次是位於中環遮打道的高級時裝品牌Prada招牌,以及彌敦道的謝瑞麟珠寶霓虹燈招牌。


地球之友環境事務經理朱漢強指「三甲」及其他「候選燈」皆有3個共通點——浪費電力、擾民、無必要。他說皇室堡的燈光達1萬勒克斯 (lux),等同沙田夜馬燈光亮度的3倍,就算減一半也無礙做生意,但商場甚至更換廣告時也把燈長開。他又舉例,謝瑞麟那個10層樓高的廣告牌,舖位根本 不在廣告牌下。

政府不立例管制 光污染加劇

獲邀投票的名人鄭丹瑞便認為皇室堡的燈光「太勁」,有朋友稱那�從來沒有夜晚。雖然有347人投選皇室堡為「荒謬的燈」,但環保署 去年和今年只分別接獲1宗關於皇室堡燈光的投訴。朱漢強認為市民習慣啞忍,加上政府未有立例管制,令光污染問題變本加厲。「香港的光污染問題很特別,這� 的光會影響住宅,滋擾市民生活,外國的光污染只談燈光妨礙人們觀星。政府不立例,環保署便經常以此理由敷衍了事,市民必須多投訴,令社會重視光污染。」


地球之友發起在本周五到皇室堡射燈下「致敬」,建議市民晚上7時到場打傘或戴上太陽鏡,甚至即場塗上太陽油,諷刺射燈強如太陽光。 地球之友亦準備拍攝短片和相片集,探討中環多數名店在深夜不關燈的問題,並將為區議員和新任 議員舉行「燈光工作坊」,加深他們對光污染的認識,處理市民投訴。

Monday, October 6, 2008

RE: Sling is cool

this is called Clip & Sling, a US based oriented service, not sure......

From: erwin []
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 11:09 PM
To: Francis Fong / Synergy Asia; Francis Fong / IT Voice;
Subject: Sling is cool

any chance this is coming to Asia?

Sling is cool

any chance this is coming to Asia?slingmedia.png

Super Mouse

another expensive mouse, this one cost $140

Friday, October 3, 2008

Logitech Harmony One

Logitech Harmony One, originally uploaded by erwin huang.

for the Shanghai new home ;-)

Logitech Air

Logitech Air, originally uploaded by erwin huang.

the most expensive mouse i'd had!
for the Mac Mini media center

very good for use on the sofa
very high tech!