Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Try this Full Screen!!
The Diver’s View - Interactive Feature -
Originally uploaded by erwin huang
1:33 AM
Friday, August 22, 2008
iPhone 3G - already with pictures ! - Mac Forums
this is from a iphone
apparently taken during manufacturing at a iPhone factory!
11:40 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Feature: Beijing conjures Olympic opening epic with high technology_English_Xinhua
Feature: Beijing conjures Olympic opening epic with high technology 2008-08-09 02:18:28 Print BEIJING, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese gymnast Li Ning\'s lighting of the Beijing Olympic cauldron, after \"space walking\" around the inner wall at the top of the 91,000-seat National Stadium, was a perfect finishing touch to the dazzling opening epic of the Beijing Games. Li was suspended by wire and lifted in the air for the \"space walk\". Images of worldwide torch relay were projected on the screen before he used his torch to light a wick that led to the cauldron. Directors of opening ceremony employed high technologies to conjure a magic, dreamlike start of the 29th Summer Olympics on Friday. Five thousand years of Chinese history flowed on a huge scroll that unrolled to chapters of China\'s 5,000-year civilization. \"Whales\" swam in the tank-like inner walls of the stadium. Human beings roamed on an elevating \"globe\", and dancers dressed in bright costumes formed a brightly-lit \"Bird\'s Nest\". \"We have combined creativity with the most complicated technologies in Olympic history to maximize the visual and sensory impact on the audience,\" said Yu Jianping, technical team leader for the opening. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were installed across the 20,000-square-meter National Stadium, better known as the Bird\'s Nest, to create an ideal multimedia environment, with storage cells backing up electricity supplies. An LED screen 147 meters long and 22 meters wide was laid at the center of the ground, and about 44,000 colorful LED beads were embedded with a distance of 600 millimeters between each two. Tiny LED beads were also embedded on the costumes of performers who fan out to create a falling starry sky and a brightly-lit Bird\'s Nest. Four years ago Athens opened the Games with a dreamlike Aegean Sea. Today, Beijing opened a scroll to present China\'s history. The scroll and a \"globe\" made of aluminum alloy rose from elevating platforms, and performers walked, headstood and did all stunts on nine tracks of the \"globe\". Throughout the performances, high technology went hand in glove with traditional Chinese culture: performance of the movable type printing, one of the four great inventions of ancient China, took an image of both ancient Chinese character case and modern computer keyboard; fairies fell from the sky, costumes glowing with light, to represent \"Apsaras\", an image in the mural paintings of Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang in northwest China\'s Gansu Province. For the first time ever in Olympic openings, Beijing used a technical monitoring system for program control of more than 18,000 performers through their identification codes. \"The Beijing Olympics opening features dozens of new technologies developed in many areas,\" said Yu Jianping. Cellular materials designed for the space sector, for example, were used to make paper in the painting scroll, he said. \"Most of the core technologies used in the opening ceremony were independently developed by domestic companies.\" \"The engineering design at the opening ceremony borrowed many of the latest space technologies. They ensured the stable operation of thousands of devices,\" said Zhou Fengguang, head of the Engineering Design and Research Institute of the People\'s Liberation Army General Armament Department. The control center of the opening ceremony was equipped with the \"Shenzhou 4000\" control system that was used during space missions. HIGH-TECH FIREWORKS Fireworks were a highlight of the Beijing Olympics opening, with a \"waterfall of stars\" flowing down the interior walls of the Bird\'s Nest, the Olympics\' 29 colossal burning footsteps toward Beijing and the five Olympic rings in the sky. Behind the dazzling show were sophisticated new technologies -- compressive air launches, chamber pressure launches and computerized ignition technologies. The use of digital ignition control system minimized the time difference of the firework display to a few milliseconds at more than 30 locations across Beijing, said Deng Shaohui, an official in charge of the firework shows during the opening ceremony. Despite a rare eruption of more than 40,000 shots, Beijing has used smokeless powder to reduce pollution to a record low, he said. Fireworks indicating the 29 footsteps along Beijing\'s axis to the Bird\'s Nest is a unique idea of Cai Guoqiang, director of visual and special effects of opening and closing ceremonies for the Olympics and Paralympics. His ideas, plus high technologies, brought to life many Olympic icons including the smiling faces and the five rings. \"We spent two years working to ensure every cannonball is shot to the right place,\" said Cai. \"Had one of them faltered, the final image would not be the same.\" Editor: Xinhuanet
10:16 PM
Gizmodo - Tech behind BJ Olympics
its obviously more than pure tech:
1. 10000 people's dance
2. soft and Hard integration
3. new concepts: City level Big Foot, Use of Chinese painting..
all are interesting and very creative
this is quote from Giz
So for those of you who caught the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony last night—Holy crap, right? The synchronization, the music, the timed fireworks; it was a spectacle so awesome that for entire stretches of it, I couldn't really think of anything to say but “woah.” It almost goes without saying, the show owes a lot of its splendor to the absolutely amazing amount of technology that went into it. Chinese news sources now have a breakdown of what was employed to create something that'd make a billion nationals proud. Some crazy stats:
• The LED screen at the center of the ground, which unrolled to represent a huge scroll detailing China's 5,000-year civilization, measured 482 feet by 22 meters wide and contained a whopping 44,000 LED beads with a distance of 600 millimeters between each two.
• Technical monitoring systems were employed to keep track of over 18,000 performers through identification codes, a first for any Olympics.
• The fireworks used a digital ignition control system that coordinated blasts in over 30 locations across Beijing. According to Cai Guoqiang, the explosions maestro behind that part of the show, not a single of the 40,000 cannon shots faltered.
• The material used for the paper on the painting scroll was produced by the country's aerospace sector. Similarly, most of the core technologies used in the ceremony had been developed by domestic companies.
As was stated by broadcasters over and over again, China's a country of tremendous challenges—environmental, economic and human rights-wise—and as a journalist heading into that mess some time in the near future, I'm all too aware of the problems that await me. But after last night's performance, I walked away with a small overflow of pride for my heritage and a lot of hope for a brighter future. I guess that's what the Olympics are all about. [Xinhua]
10:14 PM
商品名 【予約】 ガンダムシリーズ
メーカー バンプレスト
発売日 2008年11月第4週発売予定
詳細 <全2種セット>
5:22 PM
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
akihabara, loc: Tokyo, Japan - Google Maps
this is my favorite store in Akihabara,
a normal year, i usually go 3-4 times there,&near=Tokyo,+Japan&fb=1&ll=35.700105,139.772894&spn=0.006177,0.007221&z=17&layer=c&cbll=35.698154,139.772483&panoid=-FlGFe-0MtSitki7O1Ib9A&cbp=1,273.94975315096696,,0,-7.006208129339298
11:05 PM
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Olympic Torch through the years
the Beijing one is actually quite good
a bit strange that they dont have any good reasonable price sovenirs?!
7:14 PM
Monday, August 4, 2008
Panasonic brand 數位相機小觀點:廠商解析(7)Panasonic—結晶
Sent from iPhone 3G
1:37 PM