Sent from iPhone 3G
everyday things..
around US$175
Leica M Lens to Panasonic G1 Adapter
I know I've been talking about the Panasonic G1 a lot lately, but I do find it a fascinating thing. Anyway, I think a lot of people are going to find themselves fascinated by this: it's a page from the November, 2008 issue of the Japanese camera magazine Nippon Camera showing adapters that let you use Leica M lenses (right—and, on the left, Canon FD) on the G1.
You can get them from CameraQuest, where they'll be arriving in late December. Cost, $175.
Sure looks like potential gearhead fun!
2:52 PM
is this guy worth getting?
i think its a very interesting device, and smaller than most SLRs
also can change lense
but its a bit too big for my regular use
2:39 PM
Fusion CA-IP500: Next Generation of iPod Compatible Car Stereos?
It is not surprising that most new car models come complete with iPod compatibility on their stereos. However, most of these iPod compatible stereos usually just have a place to plug in the cable, which makes it awkward for the driver.
After all, many countries have laws that allow only hands-free phones, to prevent accidents from distraction. Yet what is more distracting for a driver than changing tracks on their iPod while behind the wheel? Another issue with this type of iPod cable set-up is theft. If a driver parks his or her car and leaves the iPod attached to the cable, it makes a tempting target for thieves.
I suppose this is why Fusion created the CA-IP500, which will literally swallow your iPod whole. This will allow the iPod playlist to be broadcasted through the car’s stereo system, and it can be accessed via the minimally distracting CA-IP500’s controls, which resemble iPod controls.
Other features include a dot-matrix OLED display, SRS Wos sound shaping, AM/FM tuner, 7-band equalizer, and it has a security code so only the driver can access his or her iPod. By the way, the CA-IP500 can also charge your iPod when it sits inside.
Include Joe Yau on this :) ....
On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 6:56 PM, <> wrote:
Frankly, i feel the idea is truly revolutionary. i will put it in better contrxt and presentation form.
The key is we need a vehicle to run it with. otherwise, it will end up just a idea on the shelf or being hijacked.
Having itf take the lead still makes a lot of sense. esp w strong players like MS, HP, pccw, csl in the back.
Can we form a unit like 'KNOWLDGE INNOVATION CENTER' under HKITF, say w Science Park and have a team to make this pilot work? or cyberport or Innocenter
-original message-
Subject: Re: Fwd: IT Edu notes 11 Dec
From: Charles Mok <>
Date: 14/12/2008 16:06
Erwin, Stephen, you can count on the support of ISOC HK and SC, etc.
On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 10:08 AM, <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Do we want to involve AiTLE and parents?
> I suppose ISOC should be involved as this will be related to digital
> inclusion. If needed I can be the ISOC rep.
> I browse through the document, the idea of e-book in the draft is narrowed
> to netbook computer. e-book will include concept of e-paper and e-link which
> contribute to much better environmental friendly technology. From the human
> perspective it will be a revolution of content production and annotation --
> Publication 2.0.
> Regards,
> SC
12:41 AM
this is the top Japanese Free appstore app,
seems to have rave review,
free product
overall concept worth us studying:
12:37 AM
I'm Cristina, from Alpidia's staff.
Maybe your web-site is interested to have a sneak preview of a new application of ours: MobiSheep, related to mobile phones equipped with GPS and Windows Mobile (5 or later).
You can download this application free from our site:
MobiSheep allows to shot photos and to send automatically in real time to Alpidia.
You find more information on: and
Thank you very much.
Don't hesitate to contact me for any question.
Best greetings,
6:33 AM
It will make our life difficult in User interface..
From: erwin []
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2008 12:31 AM
To: Sharon Tsoi; 'FoxHu';
Subject: some interesting GUI idea from Nokia and new thoughts
this was shown in a slide in a Nokia show today
i think Dynamic Tiles and Multiple desktop means someting like the Sony Ericsson X1
the Shake People screen is like a concept from a experimental app on Symbian called PhotoRiver
2:07 PM
this was shown in a slide in a Nokia show today
i think Dynamic Tiles and Multiple desktop means someting like the Sony Ericsson X1
the Shake People screen is like a concept from a experimental app on Symbian called PhotoRiver
12:30 AM
For only $55, Addonics claims that this tiny gadget can easily turn any USB storage device into a full-fledged Network Attached Storage (NAS) server with support for both SMB and FTP access.
All you have to do is pop it into your USB storage drive (also works as a print server), attach an Ethernet line to your router and you are ready to start serving up media over the network. It even features Bit-Torrent compatibility, so you can send downloaded media files directly to your storage unit no matter where you are.
* Convert any USB 2.0 / 1.1 mass storage device into a Network Attached Storage device
* Great for adding Addonics Storage Tower, Storage Rack or any Addonics USB storage device onto the network
* Great for creating a custom Network Attached Storage appliance.
* USB port can be used to power most 2.5" USB hard drives or any low powered USB storage device.
* Support Fast Ethernet 10/100Mbps.
* Simple to install
* Small and light weight. Size slightly longer than a C size battery. Can be installed practically anywhere
* Can be set as DHCP server or client.
* Support Samba server for up to 64 concurrent clients.
* Support FTP server for up to 8 concurrent users.
* Can be set as a print server to attach any USB printer to the network
* Built-in Bit Torrent client for direct download to the attached USB storage device
* Can be set as a UPnP AV server to share photo/music files stored on the file server with XBOX 360 video game consoles connected to the LAN
* User management to allow read only or read/write access to folders
* Administrative management access via web browser with password security.
* Compatible with all Windows OS, Mac OS, Linux 2.6.x and above
[Addonics via eHomeUpgrade via Crunchgear]
12:06 AM
I found these from internet today, Google 10 rules, share with you.
一切以用户为中心,其他一切纷至沓来 Focus on the user and all else will follow.
把一件事做到极致. It's best to do one thing really, really well.
快比慢好. Fast is better than slow.
网络社会需要民主. Democracy on the web works.
您不一定要在桌子前找答案. You don't need to be at your desk to need an answer.
不做坏事也能赚钱. You can make money without doing evil.
未知的信息总是存在的. There's always more information out there.
对信息的需求无所不在. The need for information crosses all borders.
不穿西装也可以严肃认真. You can be serious without a suit.
仅有优秀是远远不够的. Great just isn't good enough.
11:02 PM
8:18 PM
hi team,
thks for the hard work and support,
i think this is fun.. and we all did well
likely we will get at least one of these.
if not, we have a good project at hand and let's launch it with a lot of pride!
I suggest SCHSA buy us all a good dinner party to celebrate this stage and prep for the launch!
My final version of the presentation today is posted at:, goto my account at erwinhuang
or here;
the book i mentioned that started all my original thoughts are here:
Peter Drucker's Managing in the Next Society
even though its simple Drucker language..
the writing is provoking and esp prophetic at this juncture during the econ crisis..
exploring a field that is well discussed nowadays..
highly recommended!!
have fun reading..
3:51 PM
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4:11 AM
11:29 AM